The ID Station Read Card is a very easy-to-use passport photo system. It features a high-quality photo printer and the new 11.6″ W11 tablet running the new Photomatic v8 biometric software.
The Read Card model does not include a camera. You can use any camera you like. Just take a couple of pictures, take the card out of your camera and insert it into the card reader of your ID station. The software will scan the card and show the pictures you just took. Easy and very reliable.
ID station will maximize your profits with perfect ID photos for passports and visas for over 100 countries. The digital photo service is included in the software and the first 10 uploads are free of charge!
ID station Read Card works with any camera, even with older ID cameras such as the Sony UPX C200/300 cameras.
If you work with a traditional camera with a memory card it works as follows:
Take a couple of pictures and take out the memory card from the camera and insert it into the ID station. Now tab on the button “Read Card”. The software will read the memory card and will show the images from the card as previews. The images taken last will be shown first. Select a preview by clicking on it. Now just sit back and watch the biometric engine do all the work. It will first process the image and turn it into a perfectly aligned and cropped passport photo. Then it will run a full ICAO compliance and quality check. The results are shown on screen in just a few seconds. Just click on “Print” and in less than 12 seconds the passport photos are ready. Yes, it’s that easy.
Check out the videos!
Very easy to use
ID station is designed for retail. Even staff without photographic skills make ICAO compliant passport photos. The software contains all necessary data to automatically process a captured image into a perfect passport or visa photo. For any country.
Low cost
ID station Read Card is affordable! A perfect opportunity for retailers to upgrade their system to the most state-of-the-art passport photo system. The open design allows users to keep on using their existing camera.
Make more money
Increase your revenues with lots of print options, DIGITAL passport photos, portrait photos, ICAO test print outs and VISA photos for almost any country.
Digital ID photos
ID station is ready for the future. More and more applications evolve into an on-line service asking users to upload an ID photo (JPEG) while maintaining the strict ICAO requirements. With ID station and you run a professional DIGITAL passport photo service. In such an easy way that everyone can do it, even unexperienced staff. The Photomatic software gas a template for all relevant online applications, such as online applications and renewals of passports, ID cards, driving licenses, VISA, greencards and so on. offers a secure and professional service, not using email (emails with photo attachments are often blocked) but using a secure cloud storage system.
Lite Kit
-Passport system and tablet
Full Kit
The system will come with the following:
-Passport window Flag
-Passport Side walk stand
-Passport photo Pull-up banner
-Passport window stickers
– Passport photo posters
-Passport photo flyers
ICAO compliance check
ID station’s state of the art biometric engine automatically checks photos against ICAO, ISO and local regulations. It spots prohibited criteria such as shadows, hair over eyes, sunglasses, hotspots and many more. ID station prints an ICAO certificate showing all test results, a huge added value to your ID photo service.
Auto face alignment
ID station uses artificial intelligence to automatically process captured images into perfect ID photos. The benefit is fast, hassle-free processing. No need for manual adjustment, no need to carefully align the camera. Just point, shoot and let ID station do the rest.
Works with any camera
ID station Read Card supports any camera, even older ID cameras such as the Sony UPX-C200/300 models. The system features various ways of working with cameras and reading the images into the system. Use any camera you like.
Many countries
ID station features templates for Passport and VISA photos for many countries. The auto face alignment and compliance check use these templates too. ID station automatically processes any captured image into a perfect ID photo and will check its compliance…..for any country!
Designed for retail
Even without photographic skills, retail staff can print and email ICAO compliant passport photos.
Maximize your profits
Printer Specifications
The ID station OEM printer!
Tablet Specifications
The W11 tablet with Photomatic 8 software